Beta Boulder started as a project for me and my friends, where we could track which problems we did when bouldering. The project expanded, and is now available for everybody to use.
Platinum Mosaic is website where you can generate mosaics of your earned platinum trophies on Playstation. This is one of my first projects and also the most used, by other persons than me. VueJS is used for the frontend, Python for the backend and then hosted via Dokku.
I wanted to see all my running routes in one map, so i built Stravify as a way to see all routes in one map. The project expanded a bit, and now includes downloadable art, stats about your activities and more. This is by far the biggest project i have built to date.
Tools that I often use during my work
For another project I needed to be able to quickly show a route from a set of coordinates. That resulted in me building this quick polyline encoder, which works with a lot of maps, for plotting a route.
Often needing to get darker or lighter shades of a color for projects at work, I decided to build this tool to quickly help me,
Needing an easy way to track which Gwent cards I had already collected in The Witcher 3, i created this website to help me. It worked since I collected them all in my first playthrough.
I started by having a Jekyll page as my portfolio, but working with a lot of VueJS I wanted to make a personal site in VueJS instead.